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Mount Adams Peak

Fall foliage and autumn snow on Mount Adams - White Mountains, New Hampshire

During a White Mountains fall foliage hike toward the peak of Mount Adams, we decided the weather had become too precarious to continue. As is common in the mountains, the high peaks weather is drastically different from ground elevation. On this particular day, the temperature base of the trailhead was in the high 60s, but when we stopped at the boulder field, shortly before the Subway, the temperature was below freezing. In spite of strong wind gusts and a light dusting of snow, I decided to to climb the boulders to reach this vantage point, and was rewarded as the snowstorm at the peak moved away. The clouds were flying by at an astonishing speed, and I enjoyed the surreal feeling of standing still while surrounded by so much movement. As the blue sky appeared, I composed a scene that combined the last of New England fall foliage with the snow and ice of the approaching winter.

Open Edition - 2016